Web Development,
Serverless traffic maps monitoring
Overview This is a small serverless app I created to take screenshots of particular coordinates on Google Maps with the traffic layer applied to it in order to track how the traffic changes during my commute. The idea is to load the map on a simple static website hosted on S3, then using a lambda function take a screenshot of the map every 5 minutes for 2 hours and…
Jan 2, 2018 Serverless traffic maps monitoringDrupal,
Web Development,
Zoocha awarded ISO 27001:2013 certification
Just like quality, as we discussed in our post about our recent ISO 9001 certification , trust is one of our core values at Zoocha. An important part of this is ensuring our clients can trust that we are looking after their data effectively. As we already adhere to the government-backed Cyber Essentials Plus scheme , the logical next step was to tackle ISO:27001. ISO…
Nov 21, 2017 Zoocha awarded ISO 27001:2013 certificationDrupal,
Web Development
Zoocha awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification
Quality, of course, is something that needs to be demonstrated rather than just talked about. So, earlier this year we set out on a journey to prove that we could practice what we preach by starting the process to become ISO certified. It’s worth pointing out it was key for us that the certification would be based around our existing project management methodology…
Nov 21, 2017 Zoocha awarded ISO 9001:2015 certificationWeb Development
Nesting with CSS: the Good the Bad and the BEM
Here at Zoocha we use preprocessor for almost all our frontend work. Predominantly we use SASS although some projects are on LESS, partly for historical reasons. No-one can deny that it’s a really powerful way of writing CSS, giving you access to variables, mixin functions, and the apparent Holy Grail: nesting. The thing about all of the above though, and I think…
Aug 24, 2016 Nesting with CSS: the Good...Drupal,
Web Development
Setting up Drupal Code Sniffer
A few weeks ago I had to go through the process of setting up php code sniffer on my new computer, and realised how confusing most of the blog posts out there are and how many loops and posts you have to jump through to get it set up. I decided to write a quick post with all the commands in one place and small descriptions for most of the commands: Installing Drupal…
Mar 7, 2016 Setting up Drupal Code SnifferDrupal,
Web Development,
Platform Development
Local .htaccess environment conditionals, HTTPS example
Adapted from a post by the Nerdary that basically deals with the problem of having .htaccess files that are different on your local and other environments. This example deals with the headache of https and not wanting your local environment to automatically redirect to HTTPS. I am only posting the relevant code that sets up the environment variable. <IfModule mod…
Sep 1, 2015 Local .htaccess environment conditionals, HTTPS...Web Development,
UX & Web Design
Testing in Internet Explorer without Windows!
Internet Explorer. The bane of most web developers' lives. How often have we built a site and looked back content with our efforts, only to have that satisfaction whipped away when opening Internet Explorer? We'll leave aside the fact that Internet Explorer is actually a pretty good browser these days (from IE10 things were really starting to look up, but even IE9…
Jul 8, 2015 Testing in Internet Explorer without...Drupal,
Web Development
The Front End of the FCA
As part of the front end team, I was quite excited to be introduced into the project on the sites for FCA. We knew the sites would all be running on the same Drupal pre base using several modules to ensure smooth operation with different domains. What we needed to focus on was dealing with five independent themes including a theme folder which was to be the basis for…
Jun 10, 2015 The Front End of the...Drupal,
Web Development
Handling the Gruntwork of Frontend DevOps
Introduction With frontend development getting more and more complex every day, there are more and more steps we as frontend devs need to go through in order to get the job done. Of course there is still something to be said for crafting your HTML / CSS, but this isn't always required / possible. Tools like Markdown and HAML can take the 'load' off writing raw HTML…
Oct 24, 2014 Handling the Gruntwork of Frontend...