Automated Testing
Long gone are the days where you have to manually test your key website user journeys after every deployment, or as part of regression testing. Why not let the machines do the work?
With the recent advancement of automated testing tools and online services, if you run an online business or site that has any level of complexity to it and has regular updates, then it makes sense for you to look at automated testing as a way to:
- Reduce the risk in any deployment
- Ensure old bugs don't creep back in
- Help developers quickly diagnose problems
- Quickly pinpoint issues
- Prove to 3rd parties where faults lay
- Demonstrate levels of full operational capability
- Most importantly, save you and your team time + money, and give you the confidence that that things are working as they should.
Some important Open Source tools that we use in our approach are:
- Selenium - Selenium automates browsers such as Firefox and Chrome, and is the mainstay in our approach to automated testing.
- Selenium Grid - Allows us to run distributed tests, and extends the array of browsers that we can run tests from e.g. Internet Explorer.
- NightWatchJS - Gives us the ability to write and run complex user journey scripted tests.
- Guzzle - For when we need to step outside of the browser, and run tests against API endpoints for instance.
What does a typical engagement look like?
Once you commission Zoocha to help you with your automated testing requirements, a typical engagement might look like:
- Understand requirements and see if automated testing is appropriate
- Have a workshop to document key user journeys and areas of functionality that need to be tested
- Define limits of testing, and operational range
- Decide what automated test scripts are needed to get optimal levels of coverage
- Document what each of the test scripts should do, and define what the acceptance criteria is
- Define what "proof" is required for acceptance criteria e.g. log message, screenshot, screencast, email etc.
- Write automated test scripts
- In the event of a failed test, agree how that should be recorded, and what action should be taken. For example, email a group, automatically log a bug / issue in a project management tool, write a log message
- Integrate with other forms of testing that can be automated, such as load testing and API testing
- Integrate the test scripts with the Zoocha Test Dashboard
- Hand over to client for review and feedback
- Training on how to use the Zoocha Test Dashboard, with the aim of becoming self sufficient
What is the Zoocha Test Dashboard?
- A place where clients can trigger tests on-demand
- Schedule tests
- See the results of tests
- Set up mailing lists to alert stakeholders in the event of any failed tests
- Request new tests
Automated testing services
- Drupal Commerce: If you are running a Drupal Commerce powered store, then we have scripts that test all key users' journeys that can easily be trained on your site. Irrespective of which payment gateway you use, or how many currencies you deal in, we can build a comprehensive suite of automated tests that will give you confidence that all aspects of your e-commerce platform are operational.
- Drupal websites / platforms: With Zoocha being a Drupal development agency, we have deep understanding of Drupal and its supporting modules, so when it comes to writing automated test scripts for Drupal, we already know about its limitations and some of the common gotchas that site owners experience. Our familiarity with the Drupal back-end and administration area, along with the fact that we have many pre-rolled Drupal focussed scripts, make our Drupal automated testing services cost-effective and comprehensive.
- Non-Drupal based automated testing: Irrespective of what technology stack your site / platform uses, our automated testing services will be compatible. If your website can be accessed through a web browser, then we will be able to set up and run automated tests against it.
If you’re considering Automated Testing to be a part of your next project, or your existing site, give us a call on 01992 256700 or fill in our Contact Us form.
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