Securing your Drupal 8 or 9 site with additional contrib Security Modules
Bolstering this industry leading core security defence, it is possible to further security harden Drupal and go to extra lengths to protect your site by installing and configuring additional security focussed Drupal contrib modules. Below is a selection of our favourite Drupal security modules (excluding spam prevention modules which will be discussed in a future post…
Jun 3, 2020 Securing your Drupal 8 or...Drupal
Drupal 9 is Almost Here
The upgrade path from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 is the easiest major version upgrade in a decade, with many Drupal 8 modules already compatible with Drupal 9. So now, rather than the notion of 'minor' releases (e.g. 8.*) and 'major' releases (e.g. Drupal 7 to 8), Drupal 9 will continue Drupal 8's cycle of continuous innovation with new features being released every six…
Jun 1, 2020 Drupal 9 is Almost HereDrupal
Maintaining your Drupal website
Security The obvious first reason is security. If you do not keep your Drupal website up-to-date with the latest security patches, then you are at risk and potentially vulnerable to being exploited by those security vulnerabilities which those patches aim to fix. There are examples of high profile organisations that have neglected to maintain their Drupal websites and…
May 13, 2020 Maintaining your Drupal websiteJoin us at LocalGovCamp Lockdown
Zoocha is delighted to sponsor this ground breaking event and will be hosting a webinar on Friday 15th May discussing the challenges and implications of conducting user research & testing during lockdown . User Research & Testing During Lockdown The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, lockdown and social distancing have introduced unprecidented challenges in how we live…
May 13, 2020 Join us at LocalGovCamp LockdownNews
Drupal Application delivered to support a campaign to Recruit Volunteers to Help Fight COVID-19
One such example is our work with a Middle Eastern government, whose Ministry of Public Health needed to mobilise their population to sign up for a National Volunteering Campaign to help the country fight the COVID-19 virus. Through our relationship with that government, Zoocha were asked to create a new dual language (Arabic and English) website that would enable…
Apr 9, 2020 Drupal Application delivered to support...News
COVID-19 Pandemic - March 2020 Update 2
Measures: Our primary concern continues to be the health and wellbeing of the Zoocha team and we therefore welcome the legislation and guidance issued by the Governments of all the countries in which we operate, to ensure we avoid exposing anyone to unnecessary risk of infection. As of 23rd March, every member of the Zoocha team has been supported to work from home…
Mar 25, 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic - March 2020...News
COVID-19 Pandemic - March 2020 Update
Measures: As is the stance of most organisations, our primary concern is the health and wellbeing of the Zoocha team and as a precaution to avoid exposing anyone to unnecessary risk of infection. Since early March we have asked staff to work from home with measures put in place to limit travel and conduct any Client meetings via phone and screen sharing tools. Whilst…
Mar 18, 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic - March 2020...Acquia Partner Award Winner for 2019
Zoocha today announced it has been selected as Acquia Partner Award Winner for Most Wins of the Year Award for 2019 in Europe, the Middle East, & Africa , given for its superlative performance during the past year. Zoocha is being honoured as having the most client wins with Acquia. “As a leading Drupal specialist, our partnership with Acquia is central to our…
Mar 3, 2020 Acquia Partner Award Winner for...News
Join Zoocha and Acquia at LocalGovCamp 2019
LocalGovCamp First held in 2009, LocalGovCamp has become a festival for local government, attended by some of the most innovative and influential people in local government digital. In 2012 it helped create LocalGov Digital , the network for digital practitioners in local government, which aims to aid the delivery of better, cheaper local services by councils across…
Nov 5, 2019 Join Zoocha and Acquia at...