We're looking for an Office Manager / PA
Now that we’re approaching nearly 20 people, we would like to bring someone into our team who is dedicated to making sure that our day-to-day administrative tasks are taken care of efficiently, reliably, and properly. This is a new role in the company, so we are looking for a big personality to take ‘ownership’ of the job and make it their own. You may have previous…
Nov 16, 2012 We're looking for an Office...News
Moving Time – New Offices!
A little over 5 weeks ago we moved into our new office – The Seed Warehouse based in Hertford. And some things never change…moving is never easy. Running Out Of Space At around September 2011 it was becoming very apparent that we were going to be outgrowing our rooftop dwelling at Fore Street. The number of Zoochee’s were growing, so were the amount of desks but the…
Oct 4, 2012 Moving Time – New Offices!Drupal
Zoocha at DrupalCon Munich 2012
As I’m sure everyone is aware it is DrupalCon Munich (August 20-24th). This year, the whole of Zoocha (all 14 of us!) are making are way over to Germany by every form of transport imaginable. Once there our team of developers will be honing their Drupal skills by attending the wide variety of sessions available and taking in the sights and sounds of Munich. It won’t…
Aug 21, 2012 Zoocha at DrupalCon Munich 2012Drupal
Zoocha are off to DrupalCamp Scotland
On Friday we will be packing our bags and heading north of the border to attend DrupalCamp Scotland . This year it is being held at the Informatics Forum at the University of Edinburgh’s George Square campus. The conference runs for two days and has a broad selection of sessions and training events that will offer something for everyone, from business decisions makers…
May 24, 2012 Zoocha are off to DrupalCamp...Drupal,
Drupal Commerce – Countryside Implementation
Here at Zoocha we have been getting very excited about the latest e-commerce developments happening for the Drupal CMS platform. Ubercart has been the mainstay of e-commerce development on Drupal for a number of years, and still continues to serve a huge number of sites, but there is a new kid on the block in the shape of Drupal Commerce. Drupal Commerce (currently at…
Jan 13, 2012 Drupal Commerce – Countryside ImplementationDrupal
Drupal Case Study for Property Place
We've just written up a case study for that explains some of the technical challenges that had to be overcome on a recent project of ours called Property Place . This project posed particular technical challenges due to the volume of data that we were having to deal with (350GB of images and 2GB of CSV data!) – essentially what amounts to every property for…
Nov 29, 2011 Drupal Case Study for Property...Digital Marketing,
Zoocha help Games Workshop create a Storm on Facebook
In July 2011, Games Workshop , the global leader in tabletop fantasy game play, launched a new rule book for their flagship Warhammer game called ‘Storm of Magic’. Extensions to the Warhammer game are big news in the gaming community and are accompanied by a whole new range of products sold online and via Games Workshop hobby centres throughout the world.In order to…
Sep 3, 2011 Zoocha help Games Workshop create...Drupal
Zoocha at DrupalCon London 2011
We enjoyed some particularly impressive sessions at DrupalCon London this week – some of the highlights for us were (videos now available online): - Living Breathing Drupal: The Biology of a request – Kenny Silanskas gave some valuable insight into what happens underneath the hood when a page loads in Drupal. - Entities emerging patterns of usage – Ronald Ashri made a…
Aug 26, 2011 Zoocha at DrupalCon London 2011