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News Drupal

We enjoyed some particularly impressive sessions at DrupalCon London this week – some of the highlights for us were (videos now available online):
Living Breathing Drupal: The Biology of a request – Kenny Silanskas gave some valuable insight into what happens underneath the hood when a page loads in Drupal.
Entities emerging patterns of usage – Ronald Ashri made a strong case for using entities over nodes for storing certain types of data.

Damn quick Drupal: How to make Drupal Perform and scale like a Rockstar! – Michael Cooper provided the audience with some great practical advice to help speed up a Drupal website.
Developing with Drupal Commerce – Ryan Szrama chaired an interesting panel debate on Drupal Commerce and announced that Drupal Commerce had just entered full 1.0 release! Here at Zoocha we are very excited about Drupal Commerce and have a couple of Commerce builds in the works that are shaping up to be something special!

Roll on Munich 2012!


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