
HotelSwaps came to Zoocha with a detailed set of wireframes, business rules and example data so we knew exactly what they wanted their system to do. What they needed was a development agency with the knowledge and experience to understand the complexity of the HotelSwaps requirements and the skills and capability to build it. The key requirements that Zoocha had to understand were:
- Points system – The internal ‘currency’ for HotelSwaps members and guests
- Security – Measures and checks in place to prevent abuse of the system
- Content Management – HotelSwaps admins need to edit and create content when required
- Multi-currency e-commerce – As an international business, US dollars, Euro and GBP(£) need to be accepted
- Permissions – Multiple user types, all having different privileges
- Messaging – Time and event triggered emails, with full logging
- Reporting – Management reporting
After hosting several workshops to ensure that we fully understood the requirements and vision of the HotelSwaps project, we put forward Drupal as a possible solution to the project. This was largely because we would be able to build on top of a series of well established and robust Drupal modules that would serve as the building blocks for the application. It would also be able to grow over time to meet the evolving needs of the HotelSwaps business.
Technical highlights
- Drupal 7 and Drupal Commerce implementation
- Custom payment gateway integration with eWAY
- Secure internal currency
- Advanced reporting within Drupal
- Tiered and grouped permissions using Organic Groups
- Numerous Rule triggered events