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Web Development,


Serverless traffic maps monitoring

Overview This is a small serverless app I created to take screenshots of particular coordinates on Google Maps with the traffic layer applied to it in order to track how the traffic changes during my commute. The idea is to load the map on a simple static website hosted on S3, then using a lambda function take a screenshot of the map every 5 minutes for 2 hours and…

Jan 2, 2018 Serverless traffic maps monitoring


Web Development,


Zoocha awarded ISO 27001:2013 certification

Just like quality, as we discussed in our post about our recent ISO 9001 certification , trust is one of our core values at Zoocha. An important part of this is ensuring our clients can trust that we are looking after their data effectively. As we already adhere to the government-backed Cyber Essentials Plus scheme , the logical next step was to tackle ISO:27001. ISO…

Nov 21, 2017 Zoocha awarded ISO 27001:2013 certification


Web Development

Zoocha awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification

Quality, of course, is something that needs to be demonstrated rather than just talked about. So, earlier this year we set out on a journey to prove that we could practice what we preach by starting the process to become ISO certified. It’s worth pointing out it was key for us that the certification would be based around our existing project management methodology…

Nov 21, 2017 Zoocha awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification


UX & Web Design

World Usability Day UXPA event - Inclusion through User Experience

A quick post from me to share some key points from the UXPA event last night to coincide with World Usability Day 2017 . The event theme was 'Inclusion through User Experience' and there were three talks, each giving insights into the incredible work the speakers are doing. First up was Dr Simone Stumpf from City University talking about using technology for Self-care…

Nov 10, 2017 World Usability Day UXPA event...


UX & Web Design

World Usability Day - 09 November 2017

In case you hadn't guessed, today is World Usability Day and you may be thinking "Why are you telling me this?", "Usability is nothing new?" or even "Argh, where's the 'back' button!? I didn't mean to click this link!!". The simple answer to these questions is: usability matters. It matters because by making something usable we immediately enable more people to use it…

Nov 9, 2017 World Usability Day - 09...

UX & Web Design

Exploring design innovation in a tourism website

In this article we will explore the site and how its execution is something to be admired from a design perspective. Then we will look at its function and how effective the site might be in driving tourism. Design and navigation The immaculate design and navigation achieves an impressive sense of natural beauty through its attention to clean layout in a modern style…

Oct 25, 2017 Exploring design innovation in a...


GDPR, Privacy by Design and Consent Management

The General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) comes into force in just under a year, but if you are feeling confused or anxious about what you need to do to ensure compliance, don't worry - you are not alone. In fact, only 54% of businesses surveyed by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) expect to be compliant come May 2018 ( Marketing Week , 25th May 2017). To…

Jun 1, 2017 GDPR, Privacy by Design and...


Zoocha are now on the Digital Outcomes & Specialists 2 Framework

In addition to our G-Cloud 8 services and Digital Outcomes & Specialists services, Zoocha's application for Digital Outcomes and Specialist 2 has been successfully awarded. Services will be available from mid February 2017.

Jan 27, 2017 Zoocha are now on the...

Web Development

Nesting with CSS: the Good the Bad and the BEM

Here at Zoocha we use preprocessor for almost all our frontend work. Predominantly we use SASS although some projects are on LESS, partly for historical reasons. No-one can deny that it’s a really powerful way of writing CSS, giving you access to variables, mixin functions, and the apparent Holy Grail: nesting. The thing about all of the above though, and I think…

Aug 24, 2016 Nesting with CSS: the Good...