How EU VAT changes affect UK eCommerce Websites
Back in 2008, an EU law changed affecting the calculation of Value Added Taxes (VAT) on broadcasting, telecommunications and e-services (collectively called ‘VAT on electronic services’ or VOES for short!). These changes come into force on 1st January 2015 - the delay being due to resistance from EU member states (and I dare say lobbying from corporations) protecting…
Jul 9, 2014 How EU VAT changes affect...UX & Web Design
The Year of Mobile - A Case for Responsive Design
I think the first time I heard someone predict it would be “the year of mobile” (with a straight face) was 2010. Even then, it was something of a fantasy, not only because smartphone technology and tablets were still in relative infancy, but also because few websites catered for a mobile customer experience. Fast forward to 2014 and the landscape looks very different…
Jun 9, 2014 The Year of Mobile -...Drupal,
Steps to a Successful Drupal Project
For anyone building a website or web application, Drupal promises loads. You will hear Drupal evangelists (like us) talk about the benefits of open source, zero licence fees, portability, scalability, flexibility and ease of integration with other systems. This is all true, so why do some organisations wrestle with Drupal, getting frustrated, confused and…
Jun 6, 2014 Steps to a Successful Drupal...General
Working Remotely
Remote working is becoming more and more popular but not all businesses are convinced. Read Heidi's blog to find out what it takes to be self disciplined, and to ignore the call of the sofa when working from home. When I tell people that I work from home, I tend to get one of three reactions. Often there’s envy and people say things like: ‘Oh, that must be great. No…
Apr 14, 2014 Working RemotelyDrupal,
Drupal Camp London 2014
This weekend some of the Zoocha dev crew went to Drupal Camp London for a brush up on the latest Drupal developments. Not one to waste any time in introductions, let's get to the detail of what the team learned. The sessions were varied but mainly focused on back-end dev and general matters such as project management and marketing. There were two sessions on twig…
Mar 2, 2014 Drupal Camp London 2014News
Zoocha announced as a supplier for G-Cloud IV
Corks have been popping in Zoocha HQ – and not just to celebrate the new year… We have been celebrating the news that The Cabinet Office has recently announced that Zoocha had been successful in fulfilling the stringent criteria required for entry into the CloudStore as part of the G-Cloud scheme. The CloudStore is an online catalogue of cloud based information and…
Jan 6, 2014 Zoocha announced as a supplier...Drupal,
DrupalCon Prague 2013 – see you next week!
The Zoocha development team will be making its annual trek to the European leg of the DrupalCon circuit next week (w/c 23/09/13). This year, 14 of us eager Drupalers will be heading over to Prague to enjoy some fine Czech beer, take in the historic sites and hopefully learn a thing or two more about Drupal! Naturally, it will be a quiet week on the development front…
Sep 16, 2013 DrupalCon Prague 2013 – see...Drupal,
HotelSwaps – Innovative new startup implemented using Drupal
We have been looking forward to making a blog post about HotelSwaps for quite some time now. HotelSwaps is one of our latest projects that we are particularly proud of as it showcases some of the things that Zoocha do best: - Interpret a complex set of requirements and deliver against them - Robust implementation of said complex requirements - Make innovative use of…
Feb 4, 2013 HotelSwaps – Innovative new startup...Digital Marketing,
Facebook Notifications
We at Zoocha like to discover new technology; and as the generalized geeks we are the new Facebook notification functionality took a shine to us. Notifications on Facebook enable you to re-engage your audience after a period of dormancy or low activity, they are effective in giving a nudge or updating users into coming back. The new notification set up allows app…
Feb 3, 2013 Facebook Notifications